Darlene Update
On Monday the 23rd of July, my wife Darlene was riding a horse of our next door neighbor's. During the course of the ride something spooked this horse and he bucked hard, throwing Darlene high into the air. She landed on her right hip and broke it badly. I was in Maryland for a Board meeting of the JRTCA at the time. I got a call from her saying she was on her way to the hospital for this injury. The Urgent Care facility said it was a bad break and that she would need surgery immediately and so she was transferred to the hospital that could perform this type of surgery. She had broken the femur bone which is the large bone which goes from your knee to your hip. The break occurred in the neck of the femur where it goes into your pelvis or hip socket. The surgery required the use of three titanium pins about 4" each to hold the head of the femur together. Since it has only been 3 days she is very sore. Having difficulty sleeping and of course getting around. Blood clotting is a major concern with a break such as this and so the doctors have her on large doses of blood thinners which cause her to be cold all the time and little annoying things like constant nose bleeds are bothersome. We are hoping for a quick recovery as she is already asking the doctors when she can realistically ride again.
This is the second time she has broken a leg in the last year and a half.
Never a dull moment here at Rancho Fiasco. The xray above is a photo of her repaired femur bone with the 3 screws installed.